We are sooooo excited to be launching this new challenge blog, all about journaling. For many people, the journaling is the bit that often becomes a neglected part of recording our memories and is sometimes little more than place names & dates.
Colette and I have a love of language that we want to share with all our friends in blogland and we hope that will inspire you to join us and spread the word(s)!
Each week (we have an extended deadline for our first challenge) we will post a journaling topic & post our examples (either or both of us). We hope that you will all want to play along too.
And with each new challenge, we will be looking for that one special person whose winning words will warrant the (soon-to-be-coveted) title of 'Pen Pal Of The Week'.
Our first pen pal will join us for the first challenge in September and will have their challenge sample published alongside ours ... along with their blog link permanently in our 'Pen Pals' Blogroll.
And for our first challenge - we also have an additional prize for our '
40 Days Event' winner! Pop back on August 1st to find out more!